What is it that make you frequented an outlet? One is preferred over another. This restaurant serving traditional fish and chip in Whitechapel, London obviously is an answer. The treatment you get is one that can be remembered and cherished.
He is cheerful, treats every customer as close friends that needs attention,. It makes coming to his place an enjoyable experience; enter with a hungry stomach, leave with your spirit uplifted.
"Take a seat, i'll bring it to you," he said respectfully in casual manner.
While you are at your seat other customers enter the premise. All are greeted as if they are long lost friend, and they enjoy being treated that way and reciprocate. The shop may be have been operating there for many many years, serving local customers that the owner knows well. But he must have known so many to be at that level of interaction with them.
If I were in that area again in the future I would definitely not miss coming to that outlet serving that traditional fish and chips.