The New Year is making a return visit soon. Nakamora realizes that not many months after that he has to leave the office to the care of someone else. He is leaving for good after serving his term in office.
He has started actually clearing up things in the office little by little, taking home his personal belongings that need not be at the office other than creating the atmosphere that it is a nice place to be all these years. He should not feel it that way come the day he is leaving. Otherwise it can be a problem. It is also to avoid the last minute rush of throwing everything into a box and do the sorting at home. No, he is not going to do that.
"Well, who could this be?" he murmured while scratching his head.
In front of him on his desk are three stacks of name or calling cards. He must have given the same number of his calling cards, in exchange for those that are in front of him now. One stack of cards are those he has sorted out, and would like to keep, at least until his last working day. The other is the one he has yet to work on. The third is the one he is working on. In his hand is name card that prompted him to blurt out the question to himself. He has forgotten, when and what occasion did he gave his name card for the one he is holding now; and who exactly is he. The name and designation and affiliations and all other details on a name card is there. But, his memory is failing him.
This probably happens to other people too. After keeping something for a while, or for a long while, we tend to forget about it all, especially if it is not or rarely used. Shall he keep the card until he can recall all pertinent details? or shall he just put it away. After all, he has not used then, would there be occasion he would be needing it again? He has no answer to that. The best bet, to his mind, is to keep it for the time being. May be while attending whatever official functions he has to attend, or while driving home and got stuck in the traffic jam, the memory will come back.
He remembered someone said, the mind wonders when the body is at rest, and the memory may want to pay a visit at that time.
Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!