Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Home Is The Office

Can we work at home and achieve the same productivity as we ought to be? Can all the technological gadgets and facilities that we have be set-up for working at home? Yes, and No. The answer depends on the type of work we do.
Those who are making sales, like salesmen, can definitely not work from home. They have to meet customers and create leads to sales and other new products offered by his company. Yes, there is e-business; products can be displayed and ordered on-line. Well, not all products fit that mode of selling. Books? Yes, proved that its is possible.
What about doctors? No.
What about teachers? No.
So, what would be the conditions to be fulfilled?
1. the work must not require physical interaction with another beings
2. does not require special equipment, jigs, or tools that are expensive and require special set-up
3. does not require handling or use of hazardous items, chemicals, gaseous, bacteria, or radioactive material
4. does not disturb the neighborhood; residential areas are place for people to relax at home
Perhaps those whose work mainly need to communicate with others, e.g. for consultation in meetings, etc. can operate from home.
While trying to think of some other criteria, Nakamora thought perhaps he ought to take a break. Really, today is his off day..

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