Wednesday, June 04, 2008

A Note from Kota Kinabalu

Nakamora landed at Kota Kinabalu airport again. It was about 4.30 in the afternoon of Monday. He has just realized that suddenly it is June. Almost half of 2008 already gone. It was quite hot. Work for the expansion of the airport is still going on.
He managed to walk a bit at Centerpoint again. It was very hot. He was told that air conditioning was out since last week or so. Some of the elevators too were not working.
A day of joy for Sabahan as 'anak watan' will now be the state financial officer. Yusof Sarangit of Lahad Datu with a geology degree from University Malaya. Come 18 June another Sabahan will be at the helm of University Malaysia Sabah as its vice chancellor. Datuk Dr Kamarulzaman Ampon.
Conversation in a taxi with the driver can be interesting and informative. This one that Nakamora took to the airport from the hotel described the culture of the various tribes(suku) in Sabah. Outsiders marrying someone from suku Murut have to be contend with the view of the in-laws that once their daughter is taken, they reserve the right to claim ownership to any of their son-in-laws belongings. Sometimes he said the father in law comes for a visit and takes home the refrigerator or TV sets. This practice continues until the daughter conceives a child.
Nakamora arrived at the airport. Most part of the airports are still hot as the air conditioning is not working too at sections where renovations were being done.

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