Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Whole is Like Its Individual Parts

Human ability to design, make and handle complex devices and systems increases by the day. The enormity and complexity of the world we live in today is humongous compared to the centuries we left behind.
Our age is best measured based on daily or yearly basis. The age of humanity is more appropriately measured in decades and centuries. As a person grows old, humankind grows old too, every decades, every centuries. In growing older, from a mere child to a teenager to an adult, a person becomes more adept at handling ever more complicated things and has greater mobility. He/she can travel beyond the confine of his/her village, town, state, and country. Much in the same way, humanity becoming more adept at handling complicated situations and humans can explore places hitherto unexplored - underwater, the sky, outer space.
Except for the difference in timescale the growth path of humanity is strikingly similar to that of a person, its individual constituents. Humanity then, is a person in much much more grander scale.
Do we know the eventuality of humanity? Just look at a person - its miniature "double.


  1. Anonymous22:21


    Your writing is so inspired - clever, surprising & always top rate…

  2. Thank you zazy...
    Knowing readers like you finding the writing the way you found it to be is very motivating for me to continue sharing my thoughts...
    I hope it all means something to all of us...
