Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hello again...

At times, knowing the presence of a follower, the least expected that is, can be a motivator to continue what you have been abandoning, due to the lack of internal drive. Such is the case with this blog, and hence this posting after a very long lull period.
A lot happened last weekend. Meeting friends and relatives can be a morale booster. Your presence is acknowledged and the fact that others can still recognize you and remember your name after a long absence is refreshing. In the midst of doing your own things, you tend to forget others. Gatherings such as the one last weekend can put you back on track.
MATTA Fair 2012 is yet a gathering, but of different sort. Tens of thousands potential travelers and tourists were there, including Nakamora and spouse. How else can we see our brethren in other parts of the world go about their lives and to see the wonders of creation and to be humbled by it. Sampling of culture in the form of stage performances, to whet the 'lets travel' instinct, were also at hand at the Fair.

An Iranian perfromance at MATTA Fair 2012, 9/9/2012, PWTC


  1. Anonymous11:44

    tahniah atas post terbaru slps lama menyepikan diri..nanti rajin2la update yer..hehe

  2. wksalam, tqvm for the encouragement... i need it...
